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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Getting me through Monday: Justin Bieber's "Lonely" and "Holy" SNL performances

Good weekend!

It's 15 days until Election Day. #VOTE #VOTElikeyourlifedependsonit.

Aside, I know, I know. "Justin Bieber?" Yes, and this is undeniably relatable... Other than "money and fame at an early age." But hey, goes to show, you an still be lonely during the best of times. During a pandemic, loneliness is a factor everyone has to deal with on some level. I encourage you to call a friend. Pray. Go outside. Mainly, fight to be happy. 

And I never thought of Beiber as gospel singer, but I really like this. I don't think of a person, I think of God when he sings, "the way you hold me." Hope this helps the start of your week as 40 million COVID-19 cases span the globe ~ with 29 states still reporting increasing. As 115M face the verge of extreme poverty this year. Also, after a teacher, Samuel Paty is beheaded in a terror attack near Paris. A place I've always dreamed of going, - until now.

So, see? We all need a little 'holy' in our lives. Have a nice week.

Be sweet!