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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Slow Websites To Be Web Shamed By Google

Most folks have heard of the walk of shame....

Imagine wearing that badge of shame on a global scale. Google announced they're experimenting with labeling websites that load fast or slow with some sort of badge - even FLAGGING them, according to The Verge, which also loads slowly when we clicked their link.

Turns out most people's 'source of search' is looking into at how to help you see which sites load slowly based on your own hardware or network.

Even if your have an advanced company, Google's experimental badge system will "sound like a simple Nintendo power bar." According to new reports, once you enter a site, there will be a bar that indicates "green" if it loads at a good pace or "red" if Google thinks you're going to be waiting a while to see the content.

Which websites frustrate you with their slow-loading speeds? Let us know in the comments!

Tips for speeding up your website! Yes we Google'd it. Good luck with speedy rendering!