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Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day! Heights High School Redcoats Dance Team Are Going To Disney World in Orlando After Community Comes Through To Help Replace $15K In Missing Funds

First, let me say, I'm a Reagan Bulldog through and through. I graduated from now Heights High ... some time back.

But no need to look back!

That's because, from what I saw last night, the Heights Redcoats and the entire student body have come a long way since the 90's.

These magnificent dancers have not only earned their spot, but paid their own way to prepare and train with the best'of'em! Over time, they've been raising funds to take a trip to Disney World to train with the infamous Disney dancers.

Thing is... they'd planned, and had most of the money together... went to pay the rest of what they owed and found out $15K had vanished from their funding. ... As well as the person in charge according to reports.

So with Spring Break fast approaching, just 8 days away, the group started a GoFundMe account to raise the $15K (out of $90K) to replace those missing funds.

And guess what?!

THEY MET THEIR GOAL and are now on their way to Disney World to perform their spectacular hearts out.

Last night at Heights High, they thanked the public and donors who contributed, and decided to perform a FIRE routine that is fabulous!

Of course when I heard they were performing, I had to attend and capture their hard work on video.

And let me tell you! WOW!

It's a full-on NON-STOP 20-minute routine (see below).

Congratulations Heights Redcoats on a job well done! These ladies are an inspiration to me and women everywhere this International Women's Day!

Ladies. You lead the way!
