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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

House Committee Set To Pass Marijuana Banking Bill, But May Stall In the Senate

Congress is finally opening their eyes to the possibility of immense financial flow thanks to the cannabis industry. At this point, industry businesses have to operate in cash or go through Canada to make exchanges. In the U.S. it's cash for every part of the industry. No U.S. banks have ever been open... allowed to do 'green rush' business.

BUT! That may all change today!

Marijuana industry cash may soon be off the street and flowing into bank accounts today, thanks to  a House committee, expected to pass a bill that would make it happen.  Cannabis companies that follow state laws would be provided bank services the so-called SAFE Act would allow.

The SAFE Act debate takes place today in the House Financial Services Committee, who'll sort it all out.

Meanwhile, banking industry analysts say that even though the House is open to considering, even PASSING bills like this one, the Republican led Senate is expected to be a hard sell. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly is not interested in debating weed on the Senate floor.

Look for House Financial Services Committee LIVE feeds on this today.

Monday, March 25, 2019

In Texas, Hemp Will Be Removed From Controlled Substance List In April

Hemp could save Texas agriculture and very well may come April.

That's because on April 5th, hemp will no longer be a controlled substance in Texas.

It's new territory for the state, so, the state legislature will still have to clarify a few matters concerning the integral production of hemp and clear up questions like testing and labeling products to be FDA approved.

The federal government removed hemp from its list of controlled substances in last year's Farm Bill, and the state is following suit.

The FDA will need to approve whether growing hemp must be done as part of a state-approved program.

What about marijuana though? The fight to legalize in Texas continues.

Texas: Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Advances Out of Key Committee
Texas House Committee OK's Weed Decriminalization

Friday, March 22, 2019

VINTAGE VIDEO: Texas Legislation May Revive Huntsville Prison Rodeo

In Austin, Texas Representative Ernest Bailes, a Republican from San Jacinto County, is filing a bill to bring back the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville. Just like in "Urban Cowboy."

The house bill would revive the annual rodeo, which was held from 1931 to 1986.  Back then, the rodeo raised enough revenue to pay for itself; even subsidized educational and recreational funding to provide inmates with perks from dentures to textbooks to holiday turkeys.

The rodeo was discontinued because of structural problems with the stadium, which was later torn down.

Here is vintage video from events held here.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

THIS SUMMER! VooDoo Doughnut 24/7 Shop Coming To the Heights!

HEIGHTSTONIANs and yes, all of Houston will be getting a sweet treat this summer!

If you like doughnuts, you'll soon have an option closer to home in the Heights.

VooDoo Doughnut will open a location on Washington Avenue near Heights Boulevard.

If you like Shipley, this is going to be some fierce competition for doughnut lovers like myself.

Here's a peek at another location!

Sure we have sweet shops popping up all over the Heights, but, like Shipley, VooDoo will also be open 24/7. It'll have a drive-thru. and take cash, credit and debit!

VooDoo takes it a step further with supporting eight nonprofits.

Founded in 2003, VooDoo is based in Oregon with seven locations across the nation. 

VIDEO: Fan or not? "Wendy" is Certainly Courageous!

Addiction is real. Celebrities can't always hide it behind make-up and fancy dresses.

Tuesday, Wendy announced she has been staying in a safe-house recently.  She shared information about the Hunter Foundation she and her husband have.

It's got a 24 hour hotline 888-5-HUNTER that helps anyone around the world.

Wendy explains more about her story in new video...

If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction, for alcohol for example, the Heights Group exists at 22nd and Lawrence.

If you or your family have a problem with addiction, Houston has a lot of helpful resources. Just do a quick search! They pop right up!

Stay healthy and take care. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

VIDEO: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Federal Legislation To Increase Cycling Safety

Tuesday afternoon Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was on Heights Boulevard to take about new legislation about cycling safety.

Numbers seems to increasing when it comes to bicycle crashes and deaths. NHTSA looks at stats dating back to 2007-2016 where numbers increased nationwide.

What's going wrong? Is it drivers? It is cyclists? Both?

Whatever the case may be, the Congresswoman is trying to put forth legislation to increase safety for for everyone.

here's a look...

Spring Is FINALLY Here

The start of Spring is marked today by the vernal equinox by the time you leave work today.

Just before 6 p.m. this evening, is the time when both the Northern and Southern hemispheres will experience twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness.

Spring will officially be here in the U.S. and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere at 4:58 p.m. Texas time and with it comes warmer weather, blooming flowers and more daylight.  Today is also an astronomical double-header with the final "supermoon" of the year.

Perhaps NASA will have a LIVE feed later on! Check back then!

Monday, March 11, 2019

PODCAST: Stacy and Rachel on Sexual Pleasing In Relationships And Life

You never know what HEIGHTSTONIAN will post next! Right?!!

Today, Stacy and I are releasing a new album about sex - of course!

We certainly hope you get to laugh, learn a little something.

Above all, ENJOY! Thanks for playing!

More to come! Promise!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

VIDEO: Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Anthony Fiorenza Gives Blessing At All Saints Church

It's the first week of Lent. 
Today, the first Sunday of Lent, and Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Anthony Fiorenza gave the blessing today at my church
I snapped this photo of him reviewing his blessing right before he shook my mother's hand. 

"Hello" he said to her.

Thanks for watching!

VIDEO: Violet Peacock Hat Creator Extraordinaire

Lindsay Halpin, Designer, Violet Peacock hat creator extraordinaire, is still at it.

Last we met, it was her very first ever on-camera interview at the firehouse on Yale in the Heights.

We met up again at Violet Peacock's spectacular studio where she held and open house over the weekend. 

Have a look at that video and thanks for watching! 


Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day! Heights High School Redcoats Dance Team Are Going To Disney World in Orlando After Community Comes Through To Help Replace $15K In Missing Funds

First, let me say, I'm a Reagan Bulldog through and through. I graduated from now Heights High ... some time back.

But no need to look back!

That's because, from what I saw last night, the Heights Redcoats and the entire student body have come a long way since the 90's.

These magnificent dancers have not only earned their spot, but paid their own way to prepare and train with the best'of'em! Over time, they've been raising funds to take a trip to Disney World to train with the infamous Disney dancers.

Thing is... they'd planned, and had most of the money together... went to pay the rest of what they owed and found out $15K had vanished from their funding. ... As well as the person in charge according to reports.

So with Spring Break fast approaching, just 8 days away, the group started a GoFundMe account to raise the $15K (out of $90K) to replace those missing funds.

And guess what?!

THEY MET THEIR GOAL and are now on their way to Disney World to perform their spectacular hearts out.

Last night at Heights High, they thanked the public and donors who contributed, and decided to perform a FIRE routine that is fabulous!

Of course when I heard they were performing, I had to attend and capture their hard work on video.

And let me tell you! WOW!

It's a full-on NON-STOP 20-minute routine (see below).

Congratulations Heights Redcoats on a job well done! These ladies are an inspiration to me and women everywhere this International Women's Day!

Ladies. You lead the way!



Saturday, March 2, 2019


This is a story of one man's mission to give a famous music artist an original painting of the star. But it's not just any painting and his subject is not just any star.

"4 THE QUEEN 'TRAP SELENA'" is an original painting by Atlanta, Georgia artist @lucidmeegz, of Grammy winning performer Cardi B.

The image is a stark portrayal of an amalgamation happening in music today, by one of the world's most popular music artists. Cardi B. From what I've come to understand in just a few minutes of research, Cardi B. is a unique blend of what resonates in the minds of Selena fans everywhere who remember her final performance at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. An event Texans can't forget.

~ AND. Combined with ...

Impact of the outspoken, sexy commixture of music from the self-proclaimed "Trap Selena" - A flavor only Cardi B, a Bronx, N.Y. native, brings, that seems to increasingly garner support from artists of the domineering southern hip-hop scene.

Outside SPIRE night club, the official afterparty, Bushwick Bill was spotted walking by. Lil Flip was on his phone and chatting with fans. Also, in the crowd was a "close friend of Travis Scott" - all perhaps hoping to get a glimpse of Cardi B.

This is Blackbar Lucid Meegz, in: 4 THE QUEEN 'TRAP SELENA' - presented by HEIGHTSTONIAN. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for watching!

Also, incase you're still wondering what Cardi B means by "Trap Selena" - her loyal followers are happy to explain anywhere you look online.

Here are a couple of examples posted on social.

And we all love and miss Selena. Who could forget this moment when she entered the stage at Rodeo Houston? ...

And now that I myself, take another look at the performance by Cardi B at Rodeo Houston... where she broke the all-time attendance record, I see what fans are talking about.

Thanks for checking out HEIGHTSTONIAN!