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Thursday, January 31, 2019

VIDEO: Police Chief Art Acevedo Boldly Dismisses Conspiracy Theories

The 5 officer involved shootout that happened in Houston Monday has a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding the investigation.

I didn't even know about that was the case until I heard it today. I only report the facts. If I don't know, I research. I ask. I find the source! That's real journalism.

Today, three of the officers involved remain critically hospitalized. A REAL investigation is being done, and the HPD police chief says "Those conspiracy theorists... you may as well put'em to bed."

He's been here 2 years, out of Austin, Texas. Things are done HIS WAY.

We all love and carry on through life in this city without seeing the dirty underbelly of what they go through to keep our families safe.

A few days ago, Chief Acevedo told the public in a press conference that 98% of the time, the job is boring. And you know what he means, the donut cops and cops cruising around.

The other 2% of the time, things happen that make headlines and end up with officers injured and/or lives are lost.

Today, Chief Acevedo explains that hundreds of search warrants are done every year in our great city.

This shootout involving 5 officers shot or injured, was one of those search warrants.

Here are a few statements he made to the media this morning on the step of the new Harris County Joint County/City Processing Center shortly after the ribbon cutting ceremony.

By the way, I toured the new Processing Center top to bottom and it's AMAZING! It's state-of-the-art high-tech and completely modern and impressive.

I took a ton of photos for when reporting original content on the job. I won't share them online here because I respect the our city's law enforcement and don't want to expose their operations in any way.

God bless our law enforcement men and women who serve and protect. I certainly hope those injured officers make a full and complete recovery.

I know... I know... Officers often look bored and like they're not doing much, which gets them a bad rap. Right?

Thing is... they walk a dangerous path every day. Each of them are less likely than us simple civilians to see tomorrow.

So, pray for the men and women in blue ya'll.