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Friday, December 6, 2019

Houston Community College Presents "The Awakening" - Social Awareness Through Reconstruction

Houston Community College (HCC) is where I began my pursuit of higher education  back in the 1990's. It was the era of the Supermodel, high fashion, and drama. It was also at Houston Community College where I got my first email address. It was a Hotmail account. I still have it.

I also modeled in shows for the fashion department at HCC and we had so much fun! The theme for this type of this particular show was about using recyclable materials to create dramatic looks, not exactly emphasizing the concern for the earth and its sustainability. Back in the 1990's, pre-social media, environmental concerns weren't as severe, nor at the forefront of our mind, with proof of imagery, like today.

Jump ahead to 2019 and here we are. Social media has brought about an inundation of awareness, encouraging action among young people worldwide to save our planet.

Categories of tonight's event (above, below).

Now, the materials used to create fashion are the same, recyclable, paper, plastic and more. However, the theme of this particular show at HCC has evolved to "The Awakening," an important message of urgency, sounding an alarm to save our planet; a critical concern plaguing youth throughout the world.

Student designs were numbered and judged based on the following categories: 

For a list of the winners from tonight's judging, visit HCC's page for updates.

Here is a look at a video I made right after the show tonight.

Enjoy and thanks for watching!

Monday, November 25, 2019

VIDEO: ArtCrawl Houston 2019

Artcrawl Houston is something I always look forward to, but don't always get to attend. This year was its 27th anniversary, and included over 150 artists throughout many of Houston's original warehouses. I visited a few old haunts that have since been renovated and are now occupied by even moooore talented artists I've never met before.

The neon, black light exhibit by Ronald Llewellyn Jones was something I'd heard about prior to attending, so I had fun checking that out. What I gathered from Jones' exhibit is, in his words (see video above), "the best installation he's done thus far."

ArtCrawl Houston was awesome overall. I have to say, I saw more tattoo parlors on the radar and little to no glass sculpture or metal works. More paint and photography and small business ideas like elegant place setting options for events, that were beautiful.

Here's a look some of what I saw. Enjoy and thanks for watching. 


Thursday, November 21, 2019

50% Of Americans To Ditch Diets Over The Holidays

Are you eating salads this week so you can stack your plate with Thanksgiving dinner with aaaaAAAAAAll the trimmings next week? You're not alone. With holidays fast approaching, those with a bad ticker are especially vulnerable during this time of the year.

Who can help themselves, right? I don't blame you for falling off the wagon.

Just don't give up. What I do is incorporate more salad into my diet over the weeks leading up to the big days.

The second annual "Writing Off the End of the Year" survey, reportedly found that nearly half of Americans will ditch diets, claiming it's too difficult to maintain one during the season. Is it?

What's tempting us? Cookies? I don't buy a lot of cookies throughout the year to begin with. Pies? OOoooh I make a mean key lime flan, but only on occasion. Even then, I share it with those I love. How about cakes? Aaah, I LOVE cake.

Did you see the Astros cake I made

5 layers with yogurt butter cream icing (above).

I suppose I can't blame the admitted 53 percent of folks who fall off the diet wagon. I'm on board with those 44 percent who said they'd certainly dump diets for home-cooked holiday meals. If you're wondering how it compared to last year, new results indicate that the average person expects to gain six pounds during the holidays.

What about you? Are you in the give up crowd? Are you eating as healthy as possible around the holidays? What's your greatest diet breaking temptation? Let me know in the comments below. Share your favorite holiday recipe. I still need some ideas to surprise my family this Thanksgiving. 

POLL: You May Pay More For Your Christmas Tree This Year

Everything costs more these days with no breaks in sight... except for Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.

In recent years, we've had a turkey shortage and this year is no different.

Now, you may have to digger deeper to purchase a Christmas tree. That's because some experts are predict a "tight supply" of Christmas trees because of the heat, heavy rains in some parts and not others. Researchers have been blaming shortages for at least a couple of years now, on the 2008 recession. The 2008 recession caused farmers not to plant as many trees that would be coming to harvest this year.

That's because dry summers in 2017 and 2018 hurt tree supplies in big suppliers in Oregon and North Carolina. Some rain is good, but torrential rains ruined trees in Missouri.

You'd better purchase it soon, because this tight supply could cause the prices of Christmas trees to go up in some parts of the country. If you're wondering whether prices for Christmas trees in Texas are expected to climb, compared to last year. This year the average tree costs between $30-$220, with the average cost hovering around $90. You decide if that's more or less than what you pay on average. That's the real determining factor.

Even though the cost is rising, over 32 million trees sold last year. There will still be plenty to go around for anyone wishing to have one, unlike health insurance. When do you normally put up your Christmas tree?

My question to you is, do you think this research is true or are they in time to put you in a rush to get a tree, so they can meet their bottom line? I'll leave that up to you.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Biden Needs Proof About Legalizing Cannabis Nationwide

Former Vice-President under the Barack Obama Administration, and current Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, isn't on board with most of America when it comes to legalizing marijuana. Many others who would also like to become POTUS, are.

So why not this White House hopeful?

Over the weekend in a Las Vegas town hall, Biden said he needs more proof about marijuana, and "whether or not it is a gateway drug." He wants to know "a lot more about the science behind it" before deciding to legalize cannabis nationwide.

In the past, Biden has said he wants to leave legalization to individual states to decide. He has also spoken out against criminal penalties for marijuana possession.

Do you think marijuana will eventually be legalized nationwide?  Pros? Cons?

Bad Driver Almost Hit Me, Then Threatened To Hit My Vehicle

A young man in a black Cadillac almost hit me today. I'm writing because he was veering into my lane, perhaps not realizing it, and when I honked my horn, then looked at him, he looked up from his phone, and looked at me like I was the one who did something wrong.


He quickly VEERED INTO MY LANE PURPOSELY, in a threatening approach to hit my vehicle. He was holding his phone, the entire time, clearly distracted.

Now, I know exactly what he looks like. Young man, if you read this, (because HEIGHTSTONIAN is on the back of my car), I will pray for you and that you don't cause an accident in that pretty black Cadillac of yours.

Drive safely folks and remember you share the road with folks who have jobs, families, who are not looking for trouble, nor to cause it.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kanye Is Coming To Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church Sunday

It's all anyone is talking about today. Everyone I've spoken to, suddenly wants to go to church Sunday.

Not just any church though. Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church, to see what Kanye West will say or do. The star is expected to take part in this Sunday Worship Service, in what's being described as a "Special interview with Kanye West at the 11amhat he'll do this Sunday morning at 11a.m. He'll also participate in the "Jesus Is King - Sunday Experience" at 7p.m..

Before all that, West is expected to go to jail in Houston.

Monday, the question will be, "were you there?"

The more folks hear about it on the radio, where radio stations are giving away free tickets, word is spreading even more. The  may be a bit of organized chaos, a frenzy to see the popular star at the former Summit.

Just know that if you go, expect traffic backup where folks have two chances to see Kanye at two different services. If you're lucky enough to have a free ticket, it certainly may be worth something this Sunday. Not sure what to expect?

Here's a look at a couple of Sunday appearances by Kanye, in both Atlanta and Chicago.

Are you going? What do you think of the two forces teaming up?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Slow Websites To Be Web Shamed By Google

Most folks have heard of the walk of shame....

Imagine wearing that badge of shame on a global scale. Google announced they're experimenting with labeling websites that load fast or slow with some sort of badge - even FLAGGING them, according to The Verge, which also loads slowly when we clicked their link.

Turns out most people's 'source of search' is looking into at how to help you see which sites load slowly based on your own hardware or network.

Even if your have an advanced company, Google's experimental badge system will "sound like a simple Nintendo power bar." According to new reports, once you enter a site, there will be a bar that indicates "green" if it loads at a good pace or "red" if Google thinks you're going to be waiting a while to see the content.

Which websites frustrate you with their slow-loading speeds? Let us know in the comments!

Tips for speeding up your website! Yes we Google'd it. Good luck with speedy rendering!

COLD? You're Not Alone As Arctic Blast Felt Throughout The Nation

Many areas across America will be dealing with an arctic blast of cold weather for the next few days.

Below-average temperatures are already gripping the upper Midwest through Texas.

Houston alone will get temperatures as low as 32 overnight.

The cold snap will continue to move into New England and stretch down to parts of Florida on Wednesday.

AccuWeather says between now and Thursday, 200 million Americans will deal with chilly temperatures. Stay warm.

How do you plan to deal with the cold snap in your area?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

VIDEO: Retropolis' New Home. Dramatika, Coda, & Jubilee Are Also In the Halloween Spirit

Check out all the Halloween fixin's folks have in stores on the "19th Street antique strip."
(At least that's what I call it.)

First up! Retropolis, in its new location on 19th Street. 
I spoke with Sam at Retropolis for the latest on their new home in the heart of Greater Heights. 

Yoko Vintage has a spot inside! So does the Wear It Again Sam lady! Here's a fresh look inside!

And don't call it a costume shop. Ooooh no! Because it's NOT.

Retropolis is a serious fashion staple in the Houston Heights where they've selectively curated a great collection of unique looks from way back, to keep you in style for many years to come! 

Down the block is Dramatika, they have the most fabulous card and image selection.

Also, custom framing and unique images like this witch on 
The Saturday Evening Post that I saw in their window. 

Framed and ready to purchase!

I also popped in Jubilee to see all the great Halloween items they have for you to check out.
Here's a look!

I also popped inside Coda on 19th because I saw these fun pumpkins they have in the window. Turns out, their also having a sale on Halloween items!! Also, Veterans Day is fast approaching.

So shop local and support local area businesses.

Friday, October 18, 2019

VIDEO: Proper In Greater Heights Has Your ONLY Astros, Halloween Footwear & Team Gear

Proper in the heart of Greater Heights has the best Astros shoes you'll find anywhere! I stopped by and spoke with Anthony who shows us not only the special shoes designed in partnership with Vans but THE Kate Upton jacket! Yes, they have it in stock along with a new design all their own! 

Proper also has a wicked collection of Halloween themed shoes based on the cult classic film "Nightmare Before Christmas!" 

Here's a fresh take at all the latest at Proper!

And if you want to see the Astros tonight, but you don't have TV, here are a couple of links to see the game for free online:

Go Astros!

VIDEO: Coming Soon To the Old Carter and Cooley Location On 19th

Here's a quick look inside the old Carter and Cooley location on 19th at Ashland. 
Watch the video to find out what's coming soon to this location!

And if you're wondering where Carter and Cooley will be popping up next, here's their info...

CONSTRUCTION: Greystar and Broadstone Heights Waterworks Still In Development

Today I had so much fun looking around the Heights. Greystar is coming soon where the big old Chase bank was. The bank has since been built into a corner of the block and Greystar will occupy 3/4 of the entire block.

Here are the guys way up there, hard at work!

A couple of guys doing construction wave (avbove) as they continue to build on 19th and 20th where the old blue water tanks were. 

Broadstone Heights Waterworks is also coming soon. It'll be across the street from Greystar. 

This one is framing up nicely too! I can't wait to see the inside!

And I just love the Heights Medical Tower. 
My mom worked as a nurse in this building for much of her career. 
Here's a look at who's there today.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

NapSiesta LLC Launches in southwest Houston

I'm starting something I like to think will improve the health and well-being of others. I'm opening a nap space on the southwest side. Yes, a place where you can take a nap, by the hour.

This is my own vocal promo for it! Check out NapSiesta LLC online and call 713.869.2697 to book your appointment today!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

First Imelda Death Reported As Houston Hit With Up To Four Feet Of Rain

First and foremost, here is a link for flood gauges in Harris County. 

Once again, Houston takes center stage in headlines but it's something we've seen before and now it's reportedly worse than Harvey.

One family is faced with the worst possible news.

Over in east Texas, in Jefferson County, a statement from the family of a man named Hunter Morrison, who was trying to get a horse to safety, was electrocuted and drowned in the storm. He is the first reported Imelda storm related death.

It's been 2 years since Harvey in Houston Texas and now, Imelda. For three days, I have stayed put, like a cat by the window because I know better. I've worked in news since 2002 and knew how severe this was going to be. So many rain bands. So many aren't keeping track, but should when kids are involved.

All local parents are being advised to check with your school district via social media or alerts to find out if your kids should go to school tomorrow, even next week as more damage is revealed. 

First responders have done the best job. Too bad they're having trouble with City Hall.

METRO has suspended service today, but they will make sure you get home after water recedes. 

If your car is stranded, go to this link to find out where it is.

There have been 3K 9-1-1 calls made since midnight according to local officials. 

Also, no playing in this nasty water. There are a lot of submerged hazards and chemicals in it. 

According to officials, Memorial Hospital east has flooding. 

Evening dockets at court has been canceled, but open at 8AM Friday morning. 

If you know anyone who needs to be rescued, contact 9-1-1, unless you're already in a safe spot to wait it out. 

If you need shelter, or know someone in need, here's a link to monitor.

If you're looking for immediate driving conditions and weather, I always go to this link, which seems bogged down during this time, so keep refreshing.

Tolls are being waived in some areas, so be careful.

The good news is: the rain is over. However, authorities say the water will be receding very slowly. 

That's all folks! ... For now.

Friday, September 13, 2019

VIDEO: Trending after Democratic Debate In Houston

Trending on Twitter after the debates...

Bernie Sanders wants to make sure you don't pay for healthcare and not more than $200 for Rx's. Biden is pushing Obamacare in this clip:

But did Joe Biden's dentures come loose during the debate? Here's the video:

No matter. Joe Biden was the most searched after the debate last night behind Ariana Grande and Drake of course.

After the recent mass shooting that happened in El Paso, Beto O'Rourke had these impassioned remarks, saying he's for buybacks of assault weapons.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

LIVE LOOK: Tanker Truck Blocks Heights Intersection

City of Houston authorities are responding to the intersection of West 6th and Rutland where a tanker truck has overturned. 

Typically, you don't have tanker trucks moving through the Heights because it's not an industrial area. Especially the West side of Heights. 

Channel 11 is over the scene where HFD HAZMAT is scene. working the scene to clear chemicals and/or any spill in the area.

Folks are being asked to find an alternate route till the tanker is cleared of spills and the tanker truck.

In new video posted online, police are scene blocking intersections at 6th and Yale.

Here's a LIVE look from the sky. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

VIDEO: The Fastest Ford In the World Debuts In Texas

This is the coolest thing you'll see all day!

I love fast cars. I'm a "lead-foot," which is why I drive a four-cylinder that doesn't go fast at all.

But THIS! This would be exhilarating to drive. Perhaps even scary, because it's so super amazing!

A couple of guys with M2K Motorsports suped up a 2006 ford GT and now ... out the gate, it's hits 161 m.p.h at just 1/4 mile. 293 m.p.h. at 1 mile.

They tested it in Victoria, Texas and WOW!

I have your first look at it in action!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

House Committee Set To Pass Marijuana Banking Bill, But May Stall In the Senate

Congress is finally opening their eyes to the possibility of immense financial flow thanks to the cannabis industry. At this point, industry businesses have to operate in cash or go through Canada to make exchanges. In the U.S. it's cash for every part of the industry. No U.S. banks have ever been open... allowed to do 'green rush' business.

BUT! That may all change today!

Marijuana industry cash may soon be off the street and flowing into bank accounts today, thanks to  a House committee, expected to pass a bill that would make it happen.  Cannabis companies that follow state laws would be provided bank services the so-called SAFE Act would allow.

The SAFE Act debate takes place today in the House Financial Services Committee, who'll sort it all out.

Meanwhile, banking industry analysts say that even though the House is open to considering, even PASSING bills like this one, the Republican led Senate is expected to be a hard sell. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly is not interested in debating weed on the Senate floor.

Look for House Financial Services Committee LIVE feeds on this today.

Monday, March 25, 2019

In Texas, Hemp Will Be Removed From Controlled Substance List In April

Hemp could save Texas agriculture and very well may come April.

That's because on April 5th, hemp will no longer be a controlled substance in Texas.

It's new territory for the state, so, the state legislature will still have to clarify a few matters concerning the integral production of hemp and clear up questions like testing and labeling products to be FDA approved.

The federal government removed hemp from its list of controlled substances in last year's Farm Bill, and the state is following suit.

The FDA will need to approve whether growing hemp must be done as part of a state-approved program.

What about marijuana though? The fight to legalize in Texas continues.

Texas: Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Advances Out of Key Committee
Texas House Committee OK's Weed Decriminalization

Friday, March 22, 2019

VINTAGE VIDEO: Texas Legislation May Revive Huntsville Prison Rodeo

In Austin, Texas Representative Ernest Bailes, a Republican from San Jacinto County, is filing a bill to bring back the Prison Rodeo in Huntsville. Just like in "Urban Cowboy."

The house bill would revive the annual rodeo, which was held from 1931 to 1986.  Back then, the rodeo raised enough revenue to pay for itself; even subsidized educational and recreational funding to provide inmates with perks from dentures to textbooks to holiday turkeys.

The rodeo was discontinued because of structural problems with the stadium, which was later torn down.

Here is vintage video from events held here.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

THIS SUMMER! VooDoo Doughnut 24/7 Shop Coming To the Heights!

HEIGHTSTONIANs and yes, all of Houston will be getting a sweet treat this summer!

If you like doughnuts, you'll soon have an option closer to home in the Heights.

VooDoo Doughnut will open a location on Washington Avenue near Heights Boulevard.

If you like Shipley, this is going to be some fierce competition for doughnut lovers like myself.

Here's a peek at another location!

Sure we have sweet shops popping up all over the Heights, but, like Shipley, VooDoo will also be open 24/7. It'll have a drive-thru. and take cash, credit and debit!

VooDoo takes it a step further with supporting eight nonprofits.

Founded in 2003, VooDoo is based in Oregon with seven locations across the nation. 

VIDEO: Fan or not? "Wendy" is Certainly Courageous!

Addiction is real. Celebrities can't always hide it behind make-up and fancy dresses.

Tuesday, Wendy announced she has been staying in a safe-house recently.  She shared information about the Hunter Foundation she and her husband have.

It's got a 24 hour hotline 888-5-HUNTER that helps anyone around the world.

Wendy explains more about her story in new video...

If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction, for alcohol for example, the Heights Group exists at 22nd and Lawrence.

If you or your family have a problem with addiction, Houston has a lot of helpful resources. Just do a quick search! They pop right up!

Stay healthy and take care. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

VIDEO: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Federal Legislation To Increase Cycling Safety

Tuesday afternoon Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee was on Heights Boulevard to take about new legislation about cycling safety.

Numbers seems to increasing when it comes to bicycle crashes and deaths. NHTSA looks at stats dating back to 2007-2016 where numbers increased nationwide.

What's going wrong? Is it drivers? It is cyclists? Both?

Whatever the case may be, the Congresswoman is trying to put forth legislation to increase safety for for everyone.

here's a look...

Spring Is FINALLY Here

The start of Spring is marked today by the vernal equinox by the time you leave work today.

Just before 6 p.m. this evening, is the time when both the Northern and Southern hemispheres will experience twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness.

Spring will officially be here in the U.S. and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere at 4:58 p.m. Texas time and with it comes warmer weather, blooming flowers and more daylight.  Today is also an astronomical double-header with the final "supermoon" of the year.

Perhaps NASA will have a LIVE feed later on! Check back then!

Monday, March 11, 2019

PODCAST: Stacy and Rachel on Sexual Pleasing In Relationships And Life

You never know what HEIGHTSTONIAN will post next! Right?!!

Today, Stacy and I are releasing a new album about sex - of course!

We certainly hope you get to laugh, learn a little something.

Above all, ENJOY! Thanks for playing!

More to come! Promise!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

VIDEO: Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Anthony Fiorenza Gives Blessing At All Saints Church

It's the first week of Lent. 
Today, the first Sunday of Lent, and Archbishop Emeritus Joseph Anthony Fiorenza gave the blessing today at my church
I snapped this photo of him reviewing his blessing right before he shook my mother's hand. 

"Hello" he said to her.

Thanks for watching!

VIDEO: Violet Peacock Hat Creator Extraordinaire

Lindsay Halpin, Designer, Violet Peacock hat creator extraordinaire, is still at it.

Last we met, it was her very first ever on-camera interview at the firehouse on Yale in the Heights.

We met up again at Violet Peacock's spectacular studio where she held and open house over the weekend. 

Have a look at that video and thanks for watching! 


Friday, March 8, 2019

Happy International Women's Day! Heights High School Redcoats Dance Team Are Going To Disney World in Orlando After Community Comes Through To Help Replace $15K In Missing Funds

First, let me say, I'm a Reagan Bulldog through and through. I graduated from now Heights High ... some time back.

But no need to look back!

That's because, from what I saw last night, the Heights Redcoats and the entire student body have come a long way since the 90's.

These magnificent dancers have not only earned their spot, but paid their own way to prepare and train with the best'of'em! Over time, they've been raising funds to take a trip to Disney World to train with the infamous Disney dancers.

Thing is... they'd planned, and had most of the money together... went to pay the rest of what they owed and found out $15K had vanished from their funding. ... As well as the person in charge according to reports.

So with Spring Break fast approaching, just 8 days away, the group started a GoFundMe account to raise the $15K (out of $90K) to replace those missing funds.

And guess what?!

THEY MET THEIR GOAL and are now on their way to Disney World to perform their spectacular hearts out.

Last night at Heights High, they thanked the public and donors who contributed, and decided to perform a FIRE routine that is fabulous!

Of course when I heard they were performing, I had to attend and capture their hard work on video.

And let me tell you! WOW!

It's a full-on NON-STOP 20-minute routine (see below).

Congratulations Heights Redcoats on a job well done! These ladies are an inspiration to me and women everywhere this International Women's Day!

Ladies. You lead the way!



Saturday, March 2, 2019


This is a story of one man's mission to give a famous music artist an original painting of the star. But it's not just any painting and his subject is not just any star.

"4 THE QUEEN 'TRAP SELENA'" is an original painting by Atlanta, Georgia artist @lucidmeegz, of Grammy winning performer Cardi B.

The image is a stark portrayal of an amalgamation happening in music today, by one of the world's most popular music artists. Cardi B. From what I've come to understand in just a few minutes of research, Cardi B. is a unique blend of what resonates in the minds of Selena fans everywhere who remember her final performance at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. An event Texans can't forget.

~ AND. Combined with ...

Impact of the outspoken, sexy commixture of music from the self-proclaimed "Trap Selena" - A flavor only Cardi B, a Bronx, N.Y. native, brings, that seems to increasingly garner support from artists of the domineering southern hip-hop scene.

Outside SPIRE night club, the official afterparty, Bushwick Bill was spotted walking by. Lil Flip was on his phone and chatting with fans. Also, in the crowd was a "close friend of Travis Scott" - all perhaps hoping to get a glimpse of Cardi B.

This is Blackbar Lucid Meegz, in: 4 THE QUEEN 'TRAP SELENA' - presented by HEIGHTSTONIAN. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for watching!

Also, incase you're still wondering what Cardi B means by "Trap Selena" - her loyal followers are happy to explain anywhere you look online.

Here are a couple of examples posted on social.

And we all love and miss Selena. Who could forget this moment when she entered the stage at Rodeo Houston? ...

And now that I myself, take another look at the performance by Cardi B at Rodeo Houston... where she broke the all-time attendance record, I see what fans are talking about.

Thanks for checking out HEIGHTSTONIAN!