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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Developer Week In Austin

We all know technology is taking over in a big way, from how you conduct your life and soon, maybe your job. But there's no question, developers are in demand.
In Austin this week, Developer Week is underway and it's all about how to get better connected in infinite ways.
I spoke with a gentleman from Amazon who told me about what it's like to work for a  leader on online retail.
So many speakers, as the greatest minds share what they know with new developer. It's a refreshing industry to be a part of... and quite competitive.

The UT Hackathoners!

I'm attending as many panels as possible... which brings me to this one:

About Branding...
Ease of use, consistent delivery of expectation, and emotional connection, understanding your audience as perception buyers, positioning servers for enterprise AI in a commodity market as pieces that are important to the buyer. balance pieces of utility and brand for the buyer.... Utility, Christian Goy calls it just function, but what more. Behavioral economics depends on if if they know you and how other will see you with the product. economics and psychological... what it stands for, quality, how it's defined. Fulfilling the utility experience, if it's efficient.

The role of project manager...
Product manager is the voice of the consumer. The most early stage of development is where they're important.

Who should have the ultimate say in the product features? The client and the people who will be using that product. "A focus group of one is not a focus group of all," Barbary Brunner.

Is harder than you think, because you have to rethink the expectation of what consumers have come to expect year after year. You really have to understand where the market has shifted and where the marketing opportunities are within the industry. Where your competitors are playing and how you can stand apart. Take a step back and think of the market a different way than before... because there is nothing harder than when someone tells you your baby is ugly," Barbary Brunner. Word of mouth is crucial because of social media. Be generous and grateful for the ugly feedback, because they often won't tell you, but simply won't use your product, which speaks volumes. Then again have consumers test it.

How do you know consumers like you product? 
If you don't get them quickly to what you provide them, you will lose them. What do they want and how can you position it as a marketer and developer to bring it forth. People will recommend you or your product if they like you. ~Goy

Who delivers the product and how as creatives? You used to have classical advertising, PR, news letters ... all old techniques, but now you make product first, or show the made product. Now, it's the cross-functional agile model. Design-thinking should put the client first. It's agile at the very best.

Final thoughts about branding from our panel...
Bring your product and marketing research into "ideation." Have tight relationships between engineering and marketing. Build a hypothesis but get the client's data to make you rethink and reposition because if you don't remain curious about what the client thinks or take criticism personally, you will never please the consumer.
Also, become an invisible brand. By that, they mean be the brand the consumer uses all the time, keeps and covets because it makes their lives easier and if they want to share about it, they will.

Also, provide functionality, ease of use, usefulness and the psychological affect of which they become accustomed.