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Friday, September 8, 2017

Giant elliptical floating mirror - Only in Paris

My fascination today is the ‘Pebble’ - a gigantic elliptical mirror floating inside the Grand Palais in Paris.The Pebble Grand Palais Mirror (1)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The new owner of the Houston Rocket ... IS

The Houston Rockets Official statement about the sale of the team to local billionaire Tilman Fertitta:
HOUSTON – The Houston Rockets today announced that a definitive agreement has been signed for the purchase of the NBA franchise by Houston businessman Tilman J. Fertitta, sole owner of the Landry’s restaurant empire and Golden Nugget Casinos and Hotels. The transaction, which includes operation of the Toyota Center Arena, requires the approval of the NBA Board of Governors. Terms of the sale were not disclosed, and Mr. Fertitta has no other partners in connection with the transaction.
 This process started back in July, and it is truly unfortunate that this announcement is occurring amidst the aftermath of one of the biggest tragedies in the history of our great City. “I am truly honored to have been chosen as the next owner of the Houston Rockets.  This is a life-long dream come true,” said Fertitta, a native of Galveston and life-long resident of the Houston area.  "Leslie Alexander has been one of the best owners in all of sports, and I thank him immensely for this opportunity. He has the heart of a champion.    Lastly, out of respect for the NBA’s approval process, I can say no more other than I am overwhelmed with emotion to have this opportunity in my beloved city of Houston.” “I am excited to welcome and pass the torch to Tilman. He is a Houstonian, business leader and committed to the success and excellence of the Rockets both on and off the basketball court,” said Leslie Alexander, the current Rockets owner.  “I have personally known Tilman for over 24 years and don’t think I could have found anyone more capable of continuing the winning tradition of our Houston Rockets.” 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

POLL: Should we keep the curfew in Houston? "Curf-YOU!!"

The curfews issued around many local parts of Harris County and down under is just pissing off so many of you. Especially those in Houston who aren't seeing flood waters anymore with a pesky case of cabin fever.

The mayor of Houston, Sylvestor Turner said he'd rethink it Monday... BUT YOU DECIDE... I TWEET THE CITY IN MY POLL BELOW!!

My buddy Tim is even threatening to break up with businesses that follow curfew rules...So if you see him, give this beast a steak!

Some don't even know when to be home so folks like Bobby at Dean's on social media are helping their SM neighbors...

So what can happen if you're caught on the streets after curfew, or better yet, running your business? They mayor did say "it exempts flood relief volunteers, those seeking shelter, first responders, and those going to and from work." - Sooo does that mean... if you're technically seeking shelter at a restaurant, volunteering to eat where people are working, it should be OK right?

Don't like the curfew? Buy a sticker and let everyone know! CLICK THE PIC BELOW

Meanwhile, don't know when you should be home tonight? Here the current schedule:

Houston - Midnight to 5 a.m.
West University Place - Midnight to 5 a.m.
Bellaire - Midnight to 5 a.m.
Pasadena - 10 p.m. until 7 a.m.
Pearland - 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Ft. Bend County, unincorporated areas - Midnight to 6 a.m.

Dickinson - Midnight to 5 a.m.
Brazoria County - All areas of mandatory evacuation - Dusk to dawn
Friendswood - 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Webster - 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Missouri City - Midnight to 6 a.m.

No curfew in Chambers County.

It's widely known that business bottom lines are suffering but so are thousands of families who don't want looters to enter their abandoned homes where water either has or hasn't receded. Many have no cars to get back home at this hour to even check...

And consider this... we don't have patrol from other cities here for no reason...

Here's my poll tweeted at the city... So they're listening! Choose wisely!

Friday, September 1, 2017

LIST: Good ol'boys with BOATS ready to rescue!

If you need a boat sent somewhere to rescue someone, anyone anywhere, extend this for a full list of guys with boats willing to pull folks out!

Ex-Cop Carries 9-1-1 In His Hand & Ain't Afraid To Use It

"Don't get your wig twisted! This is what the news is NOT showing you!" ... Mess with this shopping strip on Little York and this ex-law enforcement will "cut your ass in half!"

See for yourself!

"No texting and driving" law goes into effect today

Put the cell phone down when you're behind the wheel or you could get be hit with a misdemeanor and fined between $25-$4,000 plus up to a year in jail, but a cop can't take your phone or even inspect it to see if you were in fact texting...

Here's the full read:

relating to the use of a wireless communication device while
operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying
existing criminal penalties.
       SECTION 1.  This Act may be cited as the Alex Brown Memorial
       SECTION 2.  Sections 521.161(b) and (c), Transportation
Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The examination must include:
             (1)  a test of the applicant's:
                   (A)  vision;
                   (B)  ability to identify and understand highway
signs in English that regulate, warn, or direct traffic;
                   (C)  knowledge of the traffic laws of this state;
                   (D)  knowledge of motorists' rights and
responsibilities in relation to bicyclists; and
                   (E)  knowledge of the effect of using a wireless
communication device, or engaging in other actions that may
distract a driver, on the safe or effective operation of a motor
             (2)  a demonstration of the applicant's ability to
exercise ordinary and reasonable control in the operation of a
motor vehicle of the type that the applicant will be licensed to
operate; and
             (3)  any additional examination the department finds
necessary to determine the applicant's fitness to operate a motor
vehicle safely.
       (c)  The department shall give each applicant the option of
taking the parts of the examination under Subsections (b)(1)(B),
(C), [and] (D), and (E) in writing in addition to or instead of
through a mechanical, electronic, or other testing method.  If the
applicant takes that part of the examination in writing in addition
to another testing method, the applicant is considered to have
passed that part of the examination if the applicant passes either
version of the examination.  The department shall inform each
person taking the examination of the person's rights under this
       SECTION 3.  Section 543.004(a), Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  An officer shall issue a written notice to appear if:
             (1)  the offense charged is:
                   (A)  speeding;
                   (B)  the use of a wireless communication device
under Section 545.4251; or
                   (C)  a violation of the open container law,
Section 49.031 [49.03], Penal Code; and
             (2)  the person makes a written promise to appear in
court as provided by Section 543.005.
       SECTION 4.  Section 545.424, Transportation Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsection (g)
to read as follows:
       (a)  A person under 18 years of age may not operate a motor
vehicle while using a wireless communication [communications]
device, except in case of emergency.  This subsection does not apply
to a person licensed by the Federal Communications Commission while
operating a radio frequency device other than a wireless
communication device.
       (b)  A person under 17 years of age who holds a restricted
motorcycle license or moped license may not operate a motorcycle or
moped while using a wireless communication [communications]
device, except in case of emergency.  This subsection does not apply
to a person licensed by the Federal Communications Commission while
operating a radio frequency device other than a wireless
communication device.
       (c)  Subsection (a-1) [This section] does not apply to[:
             [(1)]  a person operating a motor vehicle while
accompanied in the manner required by Section 521.222(d)(2) for the
holder of an instruction permit[; or
             [(2)     a person licensed by the Federal Communications
Commission to operate a wireless communication device or a radio
frequency device].
       (g)  An offense under Subsection (a) or (b) is a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine of at least $25 and not more than $99 unless it
is shown on the trial of the offense that the defendant has been
previously convicted at least one time of an offense under either
subsection, in which event the offense is punishable by a fine of at
least $100 and not more than $200.
       SECTION 5.  The heading to Section 545.425, Transportation
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 6.  Section 545.425(a)(1), Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
             (1)  "Hands-free device" means speakerphone
capability, [or] a telephone attachment, or another function or
other piece of equipment, regardless of whether permanently
installed in or on a wireless communication device or in a [the]
motor vehicle, that allows use of the wireless communication device
without use of either of the operator's hands, except to activate or
deactivate a function of the wireless communication device or
hands-free device.  The term includes voice-operated technology and
a push-to-talk function.
       SECTION 7.  Section 545.425(b-2), Transportation Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b-2)  A municipality, county, or other political
subdivision that by ordinance or rule prohibits the use of a
wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle,
including a prohibition that contains an exception for the use of a
wireless communication device with a hands-free device, throughout
the jurisdiction of the political subdivision is not required to
post a sign as required by Subsection (b-1) and shall [if the
political subdivision]:
             (1)  post [posts] signs that are located at each point
at which a state highway, U.S. highway, or interstate highway
enters the political subdivision and that state:
                   (A)  that an operator is prohibited from using a
wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle in
the political subdivision, and whether use of a wireless
communication device with a hands-free device is allowed in the
political subdivision; and
                   (B)  that the operator is subject to a fine if the
operator uses a wireless communication device while operating a
motor vehicle in the political subdivision; and
             (2)  subject to all applicable United States Department
of Transportation Federal Highway Administration rules, post
[posts] a message that complies with Subdivision (1) on any dynamic
message sign operated by the political subdivision located on a
state highway, U.S. highway, or interstate highway in the political
       SECTION 8.  Subchapter I, Chapter 545, Transportation Code,
is amended by adding Section 545.4251 to read as follows:
             (1)  "Electronic message" means data that is read from
or entered into a wireless communication device for the purpose of
communicating with another person.
             (2)  "Wireless communication device" has the meaning
assigned by Section 545.425.
       (b)  An operator commits an offense if the operator uses a
portable wireless communication device to read, write, or send an
electronic message while operating a motor vehicle unless the
vehicle is stopped. To be prosecuted, the behavior must be
committed in the presence of or within the view of a peace officer
or established by other evidence.
       (c)  It is an affirmative defense to prosecution of an
offense under this section that the operator used a portable
wireless communication device:
             (1)  in conjunction with a hands-free device, as
defined by Section 545.425;
             (2)  to navigate using a global positioning system or
navigation system;
             (3)  to report illegal activity, summon emergency help,
or enter information into a software application that provides
information relating to traffic and road conditions to users of the
             (4)  to read an electronic message that the person
reasonably believed concerned an emergency;
             (5)  that was permanently or temporarily affixed to the
vehicle to relay information in the course of the operator's
occupational duties between the operator and:
                   (A)  a dispatcher; or
                   (B)  a digital network or software application
service; or
             (6)  to activate a function that plays music.
       (d)  Subsection (b) does not apply to:
             (1)  an operator of an authorized emergency or law
enforcement vehicle using a portable wireless communication device
while acting in an official capacity; or
             (2)  an operator who is licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission while operating a radio frequency device
other than a portable wireless communication device.
       (e)  An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine of at least $25 and not more than $99 unless it
is shown on the trial of the offense that the defendant has been
previously convicted at least one time of an offense under this
section, in which event the offense is punishable by a fine of at
least $100 and not more than $200.
       (f)  Notwithstanding Subsection (e), an offense under this
section is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed
$4,000 and confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year if
it is shown on the trial of the offense that the defendant caused
the death or serious bodily injury of another person.
       (g)  If conduct constituting an offense under this section
also constitutes an offense under any other law, the person may be
prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.
       (h)  The Texas Department of Transportation shall post a sign
at each point at which an interstate highway or United States
highway enters this state that informs an operator that:
             (1)  the use of a portable wireless communication
device for electronic messaging while operating a motor vehicle is
prohibited in this state; and
             (2)  the operator is subject to a fine if the operator
uses a portable wireless communication device for electronic
messaging while operating a motor vehicle in this state.
       (i)  A peace officer who stops a motor vehicle for an alleged
violation of this section may not take possession of or otherwise
inspect a portable wireless communication device in the possession
of the operator unless authorized by the Code of Criminal
Procedure, the Penal Code, or other law.
       (j)  This section preempts all local ordinances, rules, or
other regulations adopted by a political subdivision relating to
the use of a portable wireless communication device by the operator
of a motor vehicle to read, write, or send an electronic message.
       SECTION 9.  Section 708.052, Transportation Code, is amended
by adding Subsection (e-1) to read as follows:
       (e-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b), the department may
not assign points to a person's license if the offense of which the
person was convicted is the offense of using a portable wireless
communication device for electronic messaging as described by
Section 545.4251.
       SECTION 10.  The changes in law made by this Act to Section
543.004 and Chapter 545, Transportation Code, apply only to an
offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.  An
offense committed before the effective date of this Act is governed
by the law in effect on the date the offense was committed, and the
former law is continued in effect for that purpose.  For purposes of
this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of
this Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date.
       SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.
   President of the SenateSpeaker of the House     
       I certify that H.B. No. 62 was passed by the House on March
16, 2017, by the following vote:  Yeas 114, Nays 32, 1 present, not
voting; and that the House concurred in Senate amendments to H.B.
No. 62 on May 21, 2017, by the following vote:  Yeas 123, Nays 17, 2
present, not voting.
Chief Clerk of the House   
       I certify that H.B. No. 62 was passed by the Senate, with
amendments, on May 19, 2017, by the following vote:  Yeas 23, Nays
Secretary of the Senate   
APPROVED: __________________

Every Texan should know this handshake...

Some are surprised Ryan Korsgard went viral with this handshake, but most Texans know it... My dad taught it to me when I was a little girl.If Ryan weren't holding his mic, he might have known to add a light knock on the man's hand with his left too... That's the final touch! If you don't know it by now, I'll teach you or give this a few rewinds and you'll pick it up...

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