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Thursday, August 31, 2017

POLL: Houston's Next Mission... Preventing Floods?

Experts say gentrification is a major contributor of floods in Houston. It's grown a lot since Ike in 2008 and Alison in 2001. Now it took NPR and other foreign press to shed light on Houston's real problem behind flooding. It's true, every time it rains, we panic because we flood. The city is flat. We can't help the natural landscape within this part of Texas.

The infrastructure... well, local resources are working diligently to bring that up to date, but whoever thought it was a good idea to allow so much of Houston to be bought up and built up without so much as a cut for flood prevention or funding to update an "obsolete draining grid" for this giant overpopulated city, ridiculous and astounding.

Here are the current numbers on Harvey:

Of course were are all there for each other, to help recover, but what about pulling together for a cause geared toward flood prevention in our city? I know plenty of people I know hate that Houston's been a sell out. So why not make the buyers PAY for flood drainage system.

If we have to choose between zoning or floods where we have to deploy warships for humanitarian crisis across our entire region in order to save lives, which is it?

All I know is someone has a lot of "floodsplaining" to do.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bye Harvey

I finally have a moment to breathe and write a little here on my blog... I've been working in the newsroom at KTRH for days on end, not doing any coverage on a personal level because I was busy getting information out to the masses. I finally got out to do some video of what I could for my station...

I was also curious about the opening of Lakewood Church after they received a huge amount of criticism for not opening its doors, so when they did, I took a look around... LIVE on Facebook. At 29K views, seems I wasn't the only curious one...

 I did so much for endless hours to rush information to the airwaves and make sure we had the most up to date information on our website, that I didn't have time to even tell many friends and family I was alright until they reached out to see if I was ok.

So many arrived in shelters over the last couple of days, with no home to go back to, cold, wet, and not knowing where their next step in life would lead them. But what people do when this happens to them in this great city? Have a look:

We all have our stories, I heard countless ones ... of survival.

The truth is I am fortunate enough to be one of the journalists who produced content during this huge moment in history. You didn't see it here because I was on iHeart Radio informing the masses, and hopefully, I pray, saving lives.

The images, I will never forget.

What my city of Houston, TX experienced over the last week broke my heart to see, but I just know the spirit of Texans is powerful and good. If any of you helped a friend, like I did, or volunteered or got out in the water with your boat or risked your own life to pull someone you've never met before, to safety, I thank you and love you for it. As we move ahead together and get stronger through the support of others and our own grit and resilience, I know everyone will recover. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

RIP Heather Heyer

I don't ordinarily cover politics but when Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville Saturday... my heart sank. Here, her mother explains about her daughter's passion for justice and equality.

Heather's father describes when he heard the news about his daughter...

Raw video of the car that plowed in to the rally Heather attended...

Why? VICE was on the front lines to find out... 

After Heather died, many spoke out on her behalf and on behalf of everyone suffering from inequality in America today...

But is this really a surprise ... Apparently Hillary tried to warn us

After the terror attack in Charlottesville, the nation waited for our President to speak out condemning those responsible for this brutal terror attack... and that's what it was. A terror attack. But, what he said was this:

But I think our late night show hosts said it best, unscripted and from the heart...

The nation expected more from our President, and it was after these and many others who decided to call out other  THEEEN the President decided to speak out against the KKK, neo-nazis and racism:

But journalists haven't been waiting around for him to call out the racists in America... This is from 5 months ago...

And today, timing and impact collide communities that continue to aggressively confront eachother:

People who are finding out their own child participated in this sickening march... are disowning them:

Another guy, fired for participating.

This is the picture our nation painted over the weekend... and NO one is safe anymore.

Heather Heyer, RIP

Monday, August 14, 2017

So much trending us by ...

Lorenzo Sampaolesi TOILETS DIARY Editorial Fenty Puma Nike Air Max - 110850

If you're just scrolling through life you're missing A LOT! Who cares what your "friends" are up to when there are so many new things going on in the world?!

Like the Wefie... a new 360 degree camera for selfies... Never heard of it? Well it's been around since 2015.
Photo linked to Wefie

Ooor trying to market your brand or ... whatever you have going on? Then travel and stay at hostels... Yes, I said hostels, but what I meant was a high design hostel like this one right here in Austin, Texas.
High Design Hostels
Photo linked to ... you guessed it!

Also the bathroom selfie is back! And your firey bathroom selfie will be amazing! IF, you do it the right way.

Photo linked to hypebae

Plus, would you eat something called "Uglies?" ... They've been out since January 2017. Well if you love potato chips, you could be into Uglies. They're made from rejected potatoes, but how bad could that be?!

So, scroll away but remember that, "life moves, pretty fast... if you don't stop to look around once in awhile, you could miss it." F. Beuller.