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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Big Movements in Houston Underway

If you're new to Houston, or an international reader interested in my growing city, you may find this group of local people and places inspirational and interesting, even helpful and fun!

I don't drink so I'm not a bar goer. They bore me to tears really. A place I love has to have fun music, a chic atmosphere. Also, I've always loved a club with a pool and figured I have to go to Vegas or Miami to get this most enjoyable combo of entertainment. Even H2O in Galveston is great but it's missing music. Even their bar in a pool bores me to stone, but of course I still go because it's a beautiful place. Then Roak came along but didn't last thanks to gentrifiers who tore it down in order to make yet another construction eyesore no one will have access to along Kirby Drive. As for the pool at Roak, it was the only one that had a dance floor, pretty cabanas and a pretty stylish Houston nightlife. Thought I'd have to wait forever for anything like that to come along again...

Not anymore! Cle is here Houston!

The spectacle alone is worth the price of admission, whatever that is... The staff, all Victoria Secret modelesque lovlies, there to greet you upon arrival and they parade around all night in nothing but HOT underwear and they truly look fun and fabulous. The venue, huge. The laser lighting is overhead, so you won't burn out an eye-socket as you get down to the sounds of DJ Riddler, coming across Diavalo Systems, on of course the best night to be on a dance floor. Saturday night. A weekly Sunday Funday pool party  also kicked off this past Sunday and it feels like Vegas or Miami right in the heart of downtown Houston at Cle. Finally, a real joy in nightlife has come alive in Houston! Here's a look:


About 10 years ago, I could count the biggest hotspots in Houston. Now, it's tougher than ever to keep up with who's doing what and where, unless they break out and do something like this... I've experienced Bombon and it's quite amazing. They've come a long way and continue to progress into something almost spiritual... This winning combination of hot musical talent simply moves you. Go to one of their events, hit the dance floor and you'll know what I mean. Here is the scoop on their next level action... A full length album on iTunes. Get it!

Here's the full recap of our Bombón x Peligrosa record release party this weekend in Austin! Peligrosa joins us in...
Posted by Bombón - Houston on Tuesday, August 25, 2015


THIS chic! Kiki Maroon is now burning down the house across the world... and quickly becoming the Dita Von Teese of Houston, but with bigger balls! Yeah I said it! She just recently went international and even caused a stir at a church in Italy but I'll let her tell that tale. Her shows are fresh and outlandish, and she's always coming up with the most creative ways to literally freak us out and we can't stop watching! What's really cool about her too is she welcomes and encourages new talent and those onboard her ride to glory and international fame, to be outrageous. Her unique array of fun and bizarre is really winning for her... GOOD! F-the-PC-BS! She's a show! She even brought home an award and by the looks of it, there's no stopping this one. Thank God! Click the photo for more of Kiki, if you can handle it:


I love, love LOVE, the comedy community in Houston. These guys and gorgeous gals got me through many a-tough moments simply by making me laugh. They're cool, real, PC free, and many of the finest folks to know in Houston. Now, players like Owen Dunn and Andy Huggins are headlining locally and winning acclaim among their peers and around the nation.  Meanwhile local talents like Chase Durousseau and Mark Hurtado and John Mark Gard are taking sharpening their comic chops and gaining great momentum in Los Angeles. Matthew Broussard, MTV.  Now, the Whiskey Brothers are taking huge strides, with a new residency at the Houston IMPROV. New to comedy? Not a problem. Here's the deal...

The fine folks at Jack Daniels bring you the first in a series of WB shows at the Improv Houston. It's dirt cheap...
Posted by The Whiskey Brothers on Friday, August 21, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Today Is A Very Special Birthday For Me

This is a very special week! I'm not one to ordinarily make a big deal about my birthday but it's my first birthday as a breast cancer survivor so this one will always be quite special. 

This Friday is my Sweet 16 being alcohol free as well, so I'm especially happy to be me today. I've come a long way. I've humbly inspired others and I am grateful for all of the love and support I've had over the years to get to this point. 

Today I will celebrate my birthday by spending it with my mother. We're taking portraits to capture and important time in both our lives. It was her idea and I'm glad she thought of it because we have been through everything together and I know no one on this earth loves me more than her.

My closest friends have also shown me tremendous love and support and I am especially grateful for those who have continued to be by my side through many of my most difficult experiences over the past year. 

I hope to be here to celebrate another birthday cancer free next year, the year after that, and for many years to come, but I know to take things day by day.

It's just that now, having moved passed so many huge challenges, I feel free, even more courageous, and surprisingly, still beautiful. Now I want to do so much more with my time here on earth than ever before and I am inspired by so many people I know and by many I follow on social media, and don't always get a chance to see regularly. These people teach me and others, whether they know it or not, how to be better, to thrive, to continue to create, and always find a way to be happy no matter what. Most of all to love and be loved. So with all of this in mind, I will celebrate my big birthday knowing this is why I'm still here with you. Thanks be to God.

Self portraits during chemotherapy, 2014.

Friday, June 26, 2015

SCOTUS Approves Same Sex Marriage Nationwide

Gay marriage is now a Constitutional right in America today. So many thoughts and reactions are circulating across the web over today's 5-4 ruling, but one stands out the most. #LoveIsLove.
Today, Texas Gov. Abbott opposed the ruling, but it doesn't matter because the Harris County Attorney has now issued a letter to the Harris County Clerk, requiring he is to "immediately begin issuing marriage licenses to all qualified applicants without regard to gender."

Tomorrow, PRIDE parades across the country will celebrate the new law of the land and Houston of course  will also celebrate #MarriageEquality in the most well timed decision imaginable in American recent history. The beloved parade will be downtown this year, having been ripped from it's home, Houston's infamous Montrose (which isn't the same anymore but we won't get into that today though because it's a time to celebrate, so now, to focus). I figure, as long as our gay community has a proper platform to celebrate PRIDE, citizens can have the grace to be tolerant of the city's decision and respectfully carry on.

A HUGE highlight of Houston's Pride Parade I'm proud to mention is a friend of mine who is performing in the festivities. She is Gin Martini, the winner of Pride Superstar 2015 and will top off Pride Week with mega performances for Houston. Here's more from her!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Houston Japanese Festival 2015 ... Lolitas, anime, and facial tattoos

#SweetLolita has been around since the 90's and is still pretty popular today. 

Kids also love their #anime stylings ...

And (record scratch) #facialtattoos. Yup. It's the new norm. Deal with it!
The end.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Gentrification Of Fashion - Banning Super Skinny Models

Fashion has always been the most fun indulgence for me. I love wearing it. I love going to shows. I love seeing it, in its most perfect form - on a model, a perfect model. A living coat hanger who walks into the room and changes it for the better, because when it's good, it's a marvelous mirage of beauty.

Personally, I don't blame anorexia on fashion. I also don't like the #ImNoAngel campaign by Lane Bryant. It sends a bad message by way of the other extreme. No abs, no, tone, no thanks! And I'll tell you what! I am not paying $15 for a magazine full of non-super skinny models in Paris runway shows because that's not what I pay to see. I pay to see PERFECTION and total control, which is rare, and why I pay to see it on gorgeous pages.

Men, for you to understand what I mean, let me take you there. Think about what it would mean for you to see big chics in porn, fat Playboy models, or older women in your Maxim magazine. You with me now? - Good! Now...

A few years ago, when I asked a widely known fashion critic what he thought of Houston models, he said to me, "frankly, they're old and fat." I shared my thoughts and in the end, we both agreed "we'll always have Paris." Until now.

It seems the French parliament this week, made it illegal to employ extremely thin models (under 18 BMI) and vows "to expose, even jail agencies and fashion houses that hire them." Here's video of the vote:

Frankly I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE super thin models and hate to see this happen. The thinner the better! In fact, I think super thin models are the greatest models to have. Yes, I said it! I've always believed high fashion in its truest form works best on a super thin model! The way a design can hang, drape, the texture all leads to a perfect shape. For designers, a non super thin model won't cut it... But they won't always say it... But they know, high fashion should always be shown on a super thin model. Jack up the size for the rack, not the runway!

It's just the way it's always been and should still be. That's also because the poise, another topic entirely, isn't always there in many super thin models, but walking doorknobs have no voice to turn that around these days anyway - to ask for the proper training. That's been a loss since the 90's.

In fact, the one place that doesn't seem to have a problem with super thin models, is New Zealand, who gets it and doesn't feel they have to bow to political correctness.

Who's to know at this point about what's to emerge from Paris after gutting high fashion's most coveted schematic staple from seasons to come, but I assure you, that much like the ever changing landscape of Houston and other major cities across this country, what comes after is not always better, nor prettier, but an oversized eyesore to those who always enjoyed a true original.

What I do know is that high fashion won't ever be as pretty without superthin French models.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Wishing You A Chocola-Tea Happy Easter

This was my Easter morning after realizing how much I miss the art of video editing. Half asleep. No makeup yet. No care for what you think of how I look frankly, so there. 

Anyway, it's my attempt at chocolate tea in my tiny kitchen at 6a.m. before getting on with Easter festivities. 

Enjoiah and Happy Easter ya'll!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My love letter to Anna Wintour

I saw Anna Wintour in the flesh tonight. She was a vision. So beautiful. Perfect. Glowing. Happy. Very happy. A dream come true at any moment in my life is when I look into the eyes of THE Anna Wintour, and that happened tonight. I just felt better ... seeing her right in front of me. I wish I could always. So much power in her beautiful face. 

I wore leopard boots. A black dress and a dark beret. My friend had already talked with her. When I walked in, I immediately made eye contact. We locked eyes and all I could say was "Wow" to her from across the room. She saw me say this and kept smiling. I smiled too and continued my pace.

She was surrounded and involved in a discussion, so I wasn't bold enough to walk over and interrupt gentleman in tuxes and ladies with floorlength gowns like hers, to merely gush about how much I love her and how much I appreciate all she does to make my life more beautiful every day.

She wore a mildly shimmering flesh tone floor length slim fitting gown with very elegant black print. We shared a very nice smile exchange. That's enough for me. That's all I could transmit before I just tried to stop looking like I was there just to see her, which I was. I will never forget her face looking at mine, with what I will always perceive it as a hint of approval, since she didn't break her expression. To see her in person is just more than I ever imagined because she is absolutely magnificent. Anna Wintour is what fabulous strives to be.

I managed to sneak this photo over my friend's shoulder. He'd spoken with her and helped her for a moment, being the gentleman he is to everyone he knows. I'll let him tell his story. Of course I already know what they discussed. 

I will always be grateful to have a nice friend like him. My nice friend who invited me one night to see Anna Wintour ... in the flesh.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Prince "Look-A-Like" Contests In Houston

I. LOVE. PRINCE! I mean who doesn't... I could go on about how much I love Prince but will refrain for now. Catching word of his new "Hit and Run" US tour, rest assured I'm on watch with my purple stiletto boots on for when he comes to Houston. But what local venue will be lucky enough to land the Purple Wonder? Good question... SO! Whether he's already booked Houston or not, why not make it fun for everyone?

I propose venues bank on competing for hit attention. And what would be sexier than clubs and bars all over town competing the hype with Prince and Apollonia look-a-like contests?! Too young to know who Apollonia is? Here's a hot look:

or a Sheila E. look-a-like Contest ...

I mean... Mickey Gilley made it the hot ticket in "Urban Cowboy" right here in Pasadena, Texas... I didn't find any video, but it was genius and gorgeous and sexy.

OMG! This would be beyond entertaining and I think our city is resourceful enough to pull off the looks. I already have my hottest friends liking the idea.

Just a thought... Hi Prince!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm Liking the NEW Justin Bieber

I've never been a true 'Belieber,' but there's something about a young man who humbles himself after making an extreme ass of himself, all by age 21. It's refreshing... and in Justin Bieber's case, kind of sexy, so this'll be fun to follow. He's even being roasted on Comedy Central since he's managed to jam a lot of bad behavior into such a short amount of time in recent years. Young people live fast and I imagine famous people more so.

Anyway, Bieber's been on Ellen lately looking all grown-up and sans pomp. I know he couldn't be a mean munchkin forever, but it was still a surprise. He still wears pants that look like he's carrying a load, but I don't imagine hipster jeans would look much better. After being boo'ed offstage during his last performance, he's probably desperate to salvage his reputation so he can continue on with his career, which is fine. I'll even give him credit for going to the queen of talk (because everyone knows Jimmy's the KING!) to make it happen. ELLEN! And I love Ellen.

Here's a look at all the video:

Live on and stay humble because not everyone can be saved by Ellen! LOL!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Father #FAIL

I was grabbing a fast snack when I saw a man sitting with a little girl whom I assume is his daughter but will never know because he did not say one word to her once they sat down. I sat there watching,  waiting, sadly realizing that little girl was having lunch alone. I suddenly felt grateful that I had a father who did not do this to me. He never had a cell phone. 

We went to the park. We went out to eat. He took me to Astroworld and we talked a lot and he would teach me things. Though he was in my life a short while, I remember conversations we had when I was a little girl... Conversations I will never forget because my time with him was so brief. 

Hey fellas! Don't be THAT dad...

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sports Clips Opens In the Heights

Today, a new Sports Clips Haircuts franchise location opened it's doors for new customers in the Houston Heights on 19th Street. I even got a selfie with JJ Watt... Well, sort of. All the Rockets and Texans signage is up on the walls. It's clean and it looks great! I know they'll do well with Houston sports fans.

A look inside (above and below) the new shop where I couldn't resist taking a picture of the owners' adorable little baby.

If you're looking for a job, there are opportunities for hairstylists. Are you looking to open a small business of your own? I also saw signage for opening a Sports Clips Haircuts franchise.  Now that sounds like fun!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Portland friend is a "Portlandia" doppelgänger

I am a huge fan of "Portlandia" on the IFC. So much so, that I have decided my friend Natasha Rauf is Carrie Brownstein's doppelgänger. She too lives in Portland; is a writer, calligrapher, blogger, and campaign manager for a ChickTech, a Portland-based nonprofit fostering growth of women in the tech field.

Side-by-side I'd call it a match:

Natasha Rauf (left). Carrie Brownstein in Portlandia (right).

Natasha is "Portlandia" personified. I'm serious. Put a bird on her. She surely deserves to have "birds suddenly appear every time she walks by." Yes I went there. Natasha is living art, an intellectual creative in Portland I'm honored to call "my friend with the famous face." Thing is, I love the show and Natasha adores the show just as much as I do. Only she's lucky enough to run-round with a face that looks like Brownstein's. 

What a gal! I hope these two will soon be friends.

My Crack At Gluten-free Pretentiousness

Let me just start by saying that this recipe honestly rocked my kitchen this Sunday morning. So, I wanted to pass it along to anyone trying to cook healthy this winter season. Enjoy!

It's the perfect remedy for great eating if you're staying indoors during this cold snap and trying to avoid gaining weight. First of all, it's gluten-free (whatever that now means to most people these days). I'm calling it Paleo.

I just know it's mostly egg, plus banana and coconut which is ground into actual flour. A main ingredient is to make everything with love. My lovely friend Stacy and I, as a team, pulled these together and they were magnificent! 

Click the photo for the original recipe:

I've made coconut pancakes before, but these have an even better pancake texture, which is really why I really thought it was worthy of sharing online. So batter'up! 

Thank you Food and Wine Magazine online for a fabulous recipe I would love to see in new Houston restaurants, on a Sunday brunch menu perhaps. 

All I Want To See On the Golden Globes This Evening Is...

What Tina and Amy will say.

I really am looking forward to the Golden Globes tonight. I don't view regular programming but I'll admit, I 'love-me-some' red carpet and I love celebrities, like a lot of other women in our era. With media so widespread these days it's hard to miss.

I love the spectacle. ALL of it! I love Tina Fey & Amy Poehler. I love what they represent for women in this country & the ability for us as women, to be able to have a voice about anything... To not be censored by our county nor allow any other another country's convictions to shut us down or instill fear in Americans. Plus, they make us laugh, hard!

Don't get me wrong. I'm aware of what's happening in other parts of the world. It's rough folks. I get it. Today, I'll let someone else fuss about that. It's cold & it's rainy here in Houston, so yeah, I'm going to relax.

Back to what I enjoy... 

Top clips of Tina and Amy in action doing what they do best... Plus a clip of their new movie: 

And keep scrolling for who I think should host the Golden Globes after Tina Fey Tina and Amy are through with their run.

I do LOVE these ladies, but every freight train ends its journey at some point. So for hosts over 60, these guys are IT!

Enjoy the rainy weather you guys!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

To have the sex or not to have the sex in 2015?

With social media, texting and swiping, courtship has turned on its side... So, is dating really dead? I mean, what's the first hook and line? Well, it all begins with flirting and here's how it's done, according to Buzzfeed... and if you don't consider Buzzfeed an authority on pop culture and in this case, dating, then you're dismissed! That is because I too held onto my 'Guide for Dating Etiquette' and it never got me anywhere. Now - if you're still with me, roll'em!:


 No wonder you poor guys are confused:

If this is flirting, I'm willing to work on it, but I refuse to tell my imaginary grandchildren "if it weren't for that  Emoji you wouldn't be here."

Next up, another option trending big in Japan, to the point experts say it's endangering the global economy... It's where young people are simply opting out of relationships due to an emerging phych-trend called called "celibacy syndrome."

(Click the graphs for original article by The Washington Post)

I think we can all relate ... And who cares if it's ruining the global economy?! It's simply a shame considering they're such bright, beautiful people.

Overall, I think Vogue demonstrates dating best with their 73 questions series, in the context of getting to know someone. It's fast fun and to the point! Haven't seen it? Well, Olivia Munn and Victoria Beckham are both on the list. Even SJP, whom I met in August.

I would prefer this method. In fact, if you ever see me out in public and would like to get to know me, even as a friend, please, just approach me, or anyone for that matter. Because if it all comes down to Emojis, texting, and swiping because I'm not a swiper nor a 'swipee,' it looks like I'm going to be single forever and that's okay I can rock "celibacy syndrome" like nobody else.