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Monday, November 12, 2012

3rd Annual Fashion Houston Kicks Off

My schedule does not permit me to attend this year... Nor the free time I once dedicated to editing... ah the sacrifices of real life. Nonetheless, here ARE the 2012 Fashion Houston shows I could find online, of these same shows, shown round the world before hitting Houston.

Day 1
First up... Georges Chakra 

Black Halo, Laurel Berman
Fall 2012
Spring 2013

Maison Rabih Kayrouz
Here is the show in Paris...
Part 1

Part 2


I hope all is well with the shows. New leadership is in place that should make for even more flawless productions. I may still make it. We'll see. It's only Day 1. Goodnight Houston, Fashion Houston and you big'ol world!