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Sunday, October 23, 2011

HEIGHTSTONIAN ends "MaxXandauX may" series TONIGHT!

***12-5-11 UPDATE: See Parts 5 & 6 of the debut documentary by Rachel Estrada, entitled "MaxXandauX may." I've been screening it during the monthly movie night at Avant Garden, hosted by Mike James since Monday, October 24, 2011. In this final stretch of the series, see MaxXandauX engage his "Engorged Glitterii" in back to back performances as they came together one Sunday in May 2009, including MaxXandauX's performance at Mango's, in front of a group of senior citizens. That, and an impromptu gig I personally booked at LaStrada's Sunday Funday for MaxXandauX that same afternoon. This exclusive footage of rehearsals, make-up and all the friends and fun in between, gives you, the viewer, the fan, and the friend, an inside look at MaxXandauX's love of what he does & his beauty within the performance. To see it all come together in this final stretch of "MaxXandaux may," be at Avant Garden tonight at 9:30pm. Run time: 20m. This series ENDS TONIGHT & it's not anywhere online, so who knows when you'll ever get a chance to see it again?

Original release for "MaxXandaux may"  We have screened it in its entirety once before but it's never been put online.