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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HEIGHTSTONIAN Sees Stars and Survives WMC

Over the weekend, I managed to get my work into the hands of real industry entertainers during my inaugural excursion to the annual Winter Music Conference in Miami, Florida. The first music video I have altogether directed, shot and edited, is in the hands of Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, DJ/vocalist Calvin Harris and BBC radio show host & DJ Annie Mac for initial review prior to release anywhere. This is a very humbling surprise overall, considering I never expected to get that close to any of these huge talents during my first trip to WMC.

During my trip, I encounter Will.I.Am for the second time in one month. This time, it's at the One Night Only party in Miami, FL, Friday, March 26th. I reminded him of our initial introduction earlier this month outside Rich's, which he recalled. I then politely asked him if he take a look at my first music video and let me know what he thought. He nodded yes. I handed him my DVD and like clockwork, security came over to skedaddle me away and say "he's not doing interviews." I reply "o.k. thank you." Will.I.Am then stepped toward me, gave me a quick hug and said “great to see you again,” then whisked off whilst placing my DVD in his fantastic silver leather mesh shoulder bad. The next night, Saturday, I only managed to pass Annie Mac my DVD as she completed her set at Louis, in Miami Beach. She conveyed a sincere "thank you." I am absolutely beyond grateful if she views it! Next up, Calvin Harris. I met Calvin Harris after a dynamite set. I approached him; we chatted briefly. He then too, graciously agreed to take a look at my work so I gave him a copy of the music video. I have asked each artist for feedback. Stay tuned to see if any of them actually respond.

"What actual work did she give them" you ask. I can't announce that yet, BUT, it's a music video I completed under deadline in 12 days. I completed it just 2 days before leaving for the Winter Music Conference with the intention of promoting it in Miami, FL.. A public screening is expected to be scheduled in the coming months.