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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HEIGHTSTONIAN Sees Stars and Survives WMC

Over the weekend, I managed to get my work into the hands of real industry entertainers during my inaugural excursion to the annual Winter Music Conference in Miami, Florida. The first music video I have altogether directed, shot and edited, is in the hands of Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, DJ/vocalist Calvin Harris and BBC radio show host & DJ Annie Mac for initial review prior to release anywhere. This is a very humbling surprise overall, considering I never expected to get that close to any of these huge talents during my first trip to WMC.

During my trip, I encounter Will.I.Am for the second time in one month. This time, it's at the One Night Only party in Miami, FL, Friday, March 26th. I reminded him of our initial introduction earlier this month outside Rich's, which he recalled. I then politely asked him if he take a look at my first music video and let me know what he thought. He nodded yes. I handed him my DVD and like clockwork, security came over to skedaddle me away and say "he's not doing interviews." I reply "o.k. thank you." Will.I.Am then stepped toward me, gave me a quick hug and said “great to see you again,” then whisked off whilst placing my DVD in his fantastic silver leather mesh shoulder bad. The next night, Saturday, I only managed to pass Annie Mac my DVD as she completed her set at Louis, in Miami Beach. She conveyed a sincere "thank you." I am absolutely beyond grateful if she views it! Next up, Calvin Harris. I met Calvin Harris after a dynamite set. I approached him; we chatted briefly. He then too, graciously agreed to take a look at my work so I gave him a copy of the music video. I have asked each artist for feedback. Stay tuned to see if any of them actually respond.

"What actual work did she give them" you ask. I can't announce that yet, BUT, it's a music video I completed under deadline in 12 days. I completed it just 2 days before leaving for the Winter Music Conference with the intention of promoting it in Miami, FL.. A public screening is expected to be scheduled in the coming months.

Friday, March 19, 2010


That's RIGHT! I met Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas, just outside of Rich's, as I was leaving at 3a.m. this morning. Earlier yesterday evening, the B.E.P. played the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. He was just leaving after finishing an amazing super high energy set of his own music, some Calvin Harris, and other greats for 2.5 hours and had just jumped offstage to leave. A small crowd started forming there on San Jacinto as I too, exited the building. I was waiting for Anita to exit behind me as Will.I.Am turned in my direction just two feet away. Assuming eye-contact, though he was still wearing his sunglasses, I said "I'm Rachel," & extended my hand. Very politely composed, he didn't respond verbally, but extended his hand and shook mine with an almost shy look bearing a question he didn't ask. I think he thought I wanted an autograph. I would have taken one! Wil.I.Am was courteous, surprisingly approachable. I broke our silence as we looked at eachother while still shaking hands and just had the chance to say "thanks for playing in Houston... great show," before security surrounded him. I snapped a quick pic of him leaning against the building as he started texting. It was ultra cool to meet him!

I collected some video of Will.I.Am's super fun, high-energy show and edited these snippets overnight. Details he did share in during his set: He may move to Houston & he liked the radio show he heard from Rich's. If you're also as curious as I was about what he would play, how he mixes, or whom he'd bring, here you go, complete with surges of crowd surfing!! Bottom line: Wil.I.Am is a must see show if you ever get the chance. Enjoiah!